Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Alices analysed magazine advert

When researching for a magazine advert of the genre Dance pop, I came across Britney Spears. By analysing and understanding what is included in her magazine advert, it will help my group when creating our own magazine advert of the same genre. The things I will be focusing on are colours, themes, title, information shown, picture, featuring songs, artist image, date of album release and record company.
Firstly you can see clearly on this magazine advert the artists name and the album name. This straight away indicates to people what and who they are reading about. The artists name, ‘Britney Spears’ is at the top of the advert in a large, clear font in red writing. This grabs the readers attention. The album name is also printed in a large font of the same colour just underneith. These words are in a different colour to the rest of the writing to make them stand out more and grab attention of people. This is a good idea to include in our magazine advert because it will make peoples’eyes focus on our advert. The date of album release is also printed in the same way. It is in a bold font in the same red colour, this is good because it indicates clearly what date her album will actually be released. Because it stands out, it will stick in peoples’ heads meaning they will specifically remember the date when to go out and buy it.
The artist’s image is portrayed in quite a sexy, feminine and cool way. This attracts many eyes of both genders. Men will notice it as she is showing a lot of flesh which is a thing they like so they’ll read on. It attracts womens’ eyes as she looks like the typical perfect woman which many woman envy, so they’ll be attracted to the advert and read on. We will consider this when deciding on how to portray our artist’s image.
The featuring songs are shown on this advert on the left hand side in blue writing. They aren’t shown as big as the artists name but still stand out. It is good that the featuring songs are shown because it gives people an idea of what they will be buying. We could include this on our magazine advert too, to show our audience what they’re going to be buying.
By reading this magazine advert, I can see the form of release is selling the CD in stores. We could include saying this on our magazine advert but it is obvious to the readers that the CD will be released in stores so this may be unnecessary to include, and take up space in our advert.
The main image on this magazine advert is a long shot of the artist herself, Britney spears. She is placed on the right hand side of the advert leaning against a white wall. There is nothing different, qwerky or funky about this image as you would usually expect for the genre Dance-pop. She is portrayed as being sexy, relaxed, happy, cool and a good role model for women/girls. Showing her in this way attracts the attention of many women, girls and men. We will think about this when creating our magazine advert, of how to portray our artists in a way to attract many eyes. She is placed on the right hand side of the advert with no writing or other photo’s covering her up which is good because that clearly shows who this whole advert is about. We will use this photograph as inspiration when creating our magazine advert. We could also put our photo of our artist on the right hand side with nothing covering it up; to also clearly show whose music we are advertising. We will make ours funkier though to relate more to the genre of Dance-pop, by colours, the pose and the plain background.
The record company logo is shown in this advert in the bottom left hand corner. We will think about this when creating our advert because it shows off and advertises the company that is involved in producing the album itself.
The colour scheme for this advert is very subtle colours which isn’t what you would normally see in a Dance-pop advertisment. When creating our magazine advert, we will include bright colours which fit the conventions of many dance pop adverts.

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