Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Digi Pak- Britney Spears

As well as considering what to include in a Magazine Advert I also looked into a Digi Pak from my specific Dance-Pop genre. I found a very detailed one from the famous artist Britney Spears

This is a Digi Pak used for an album of Britney Spears called Femme Fatale. This Digi Pak mainly consists of simple shots.

When first looking at this digi pak there is a lot going on, most of which straight away captures my attention, in one shot we are shown that she is looking out of the window she is stood next too. This creates a good effect as the titles of each track featured on this CD is on top of the window, its shown as if she is staring straight at the music. This encourages people to turn their heads and see what she is looking at, later to find the songs.

The colour theme is mainly yellows, browns and black, these colours do not represent the bright and bold we would usually see within the Dance-Pop genre although other digi paks of hers will relate more to the wild genre. Britney’s name is not easily readable on the front cover, but it does not need to be, she is a worldwide pop music icon and known by many young girls so her face would be easily recognizable. Although Britney had a rough stage in her life she has come back into the music industry with albums such as this one and taken back her well loved audience.

The main picture on this Digi Pak which is the front cover, relates to the male gaze. It is a sexy and provocative picture which will help attract other areas of her target audience such as young single men. She is staring straight into the camera almost teasing males who see this. Although it is a still image Britney’s use of flirtation comes across very strong.

Britney’s initials are written on the right hand side of the Digi Pak, with the albums initials on the left, these are also written in gold fancy writing; this effect on the font gives the album a sophisticated look as it is followed on throughout this digi pak.

Gold has become a commonly used colour in today’s modern society. This gold theme is followed throughout the Digi Pak, like before on the inside of the Digi pak, Britney’s name and the albums name is also written gold on the front cover. The use of black writing when adding the names of the songs make them stand out against the bright back ground, in doing this they are immediately noticeable to the audience.

The picture of Britney in the centre of the Digi Pak also attracts the male generation; she is deliberately leaning towards the camera touching her leg to taunt men, attracting them to her and the album. The use of colours throughout this shot is keeping with the Digi Paks theme of neutral colours, Britney is wearing a plain short black dress whilst sitting on a gold chair. The use of lighting in this shot helps to reflect the gold of the chair onto areas of her body.

Although it would not of been planned, her hair also suits this Digi Pak due to the bright blonde blending in with the golden backgrounds.

Keeping a constant theme throughout a Digi Pak will help when attracting new fans, as your Digi Pak does not look messy and unfinished. This is something we would want to take into consideration when creating our Digi Pak as we would not want to lose marks for it looking incomplete.  

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