Monday 7 November 2011

Target Audience for Music Video Questionnaire

To help establish our target audience we created a questionnaire to give to 10 students in different years at Windsor Girls. We created 10 questions and gathered the results to know who our genre is best aimed towards and what they would expect from a Dance-Pop music video.
1.   Are you Male or Female?

2.   How old are you?

3.   What would you expect from a Dance-Pop genre, if you do not know this genre write what you think you might see

4.   What artists would you relate to a Dance-Pop genre?

5.   Do you think connecting with the audience is good in a music video? Yes or no and why?

6.   If you watched a good music video would it interest you in watching others from the same artist or genre?

7.   Which genre do you prefer, tick next to genre
-          Hip hop [ ]
-          Country [ ]
-          Dance Pop [ ]
-          Rap [ ]
-          R ‘n’ B [ ]
-          Grime [ ]
-          Other [ ]

8.   If other please specify

9.   Do you find comedy adds a good effect to a music video? Yes or no?

10. Who is your favourite music artist?

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